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English title:
Special Crops
Course ID:
ECTS credits:
Title in native language:
Special Crops
Term Semester:
Instruction language(s):
Course content:
Subject provides general information about the most economically important species of stimulants, technical crops (natural rubbers, gums and mucilage producing plants, plants providing resins, waxes and related products, tannins, dyes, insecticides and herbicides producing plants), spices, aromatic (essential oils producing plants) and medicinal plants (including poisonous and narcotic plants) of the tropics and subtropics. This subject additionally provides the basic information about phytochemistry, chemotaxonomy, ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology. It also deals with methods of natural products isolation, assays for bioactivity, alternative methods production of secondary metabolites (cell cultures), domestication and new crop development and other related topics.
Expected previous knowledge:
botany, chemistry
Teaching and learning methods:
lectures, tutorials, excursions, labs
Exam method:
To be eligible for the written exam the student must: Participate in contact teaching (if the student misses more than 20% of classes without accountable reason s/he is not eligible for the exam. Complete two tests of special crops identification (samples and slides). Once the student is eligible for the exam, the exam consists of: Test combining multiply choice and narrative answers. While the multiply choice questions check the knowledge of the students, narrative answers require students to demonstrate their competencies (in the terms of judgments, communication and argumentation). The answers are assessed in the points (max. 30 points). Total sum of the points is converted into grading used at CULS through ECTS grading procedure. The final grade is due to be announced in the day of the exam.  
Scheduled dates:

Start date: 2/11 (week/month )
End date: 3/12 (from 1/1 to 2/2 examination period)

Organisation: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Czech Republic
ERASMUS+ code:
Teaching period summer semester:
10. Feb 2020 - 03. May 2020
Teaching period winter semester:
30. Sep 2019 - 22. Dec 2019