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English title:
Plant populations and conservation genetics (in Eng.)
Course ID:
ECTS credits:
Title in native language:
Plant populations and conservation genetics (in Eng.)
Term Semester:
Instruction language(s):
Course content:
Basic principles of population size, dynamics and demography of populations, reproduction and fertilization, population structure. Methods for assessment of allele frequencies within populations as well as the influence of fertilization system, population size, population structure, random drift, and selection on allele frequencies shall be highlighted. The importance of genetic diversity is carved out, as well as the correlation between genetic composition, extinction and the consequences for ex situ- and in situ-conservation measures.
Expected previous knowledge:
Basic knowledge in biology und genetics.
Learning outcomes:
Graduates of this course have theoretical and practical knowledge on the structure, interactions and variability within plant populations. They know basic facts and terms of population regulation and dynamics, as well as phenotypic plasticity, genetic variability and evolutionary genetics. They know the relationship between reproductive system and genetic variability and the Hardy-Weinberg-principle. Their acquired knowledge enables them to estimate genetic distances, effective population sizes and to evaluate the risk of extinction. The students have the ability to apply the gained knowledge in in-situ and ex-situ conservation measures.
Exam method:
Active participation plus elaboration of a special topic assigned to each student in the first unit as a short oral presentation

Organisation: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

ERASMUS+ code:
Teaching period summer semester:
22. Feb 2021 - 30. Sep 2021
Teaching period winter semester:
13. Oct 2020 - 21. Feb 2021