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English title:
Organic horticulture (vegetables and ornamentals)
Course ID:
ECTS credits:
Title in native language:
Organic horticulture (vegetables and ornamentals) (in Eng.)
Term Semester:
Instruction language(s):
Course content:
This course is part of the international master programs. In this course, different aspects of organic horticulture (vegetable and ornamentals) will be illuminated.
Lecturers from different academic disciplines as well as guest-lecturers will present various views and aspects of organic horticulture. There will be relevant excursions for the students. The students are encouraged to investigate not only research topics of organic horticulture but also to understand the necessity of linking scientific research with practical demands and reported problems by farmers/gardeners.
Organic horticultural Supply Chains: the topics will highlight local patterns of production, marketing, and use of vegetables and ornamentals, including nutritional, cultural, economic, and ecological aspects of underutilized horticultural crops.
Expected previous knowledge:
Basic knowledge of organic farming/horticulture is needed.
Learning outcomes:
Based on this course the students will have gained an understanding of the different aspects and challenges that the biological production of vegetables and ornamentals entails.
Students will investigate how to identify and analyze those various aspects, gather insight into the link between scientific research and practical realities of organic horticulture, and to conduct scientific literature searches in an efficient way.

Regarding the excursion(s), the needed information will be given at the first session (obligatory attendance for the course participants) and the relevant tasks cover 25% of the final mark. All supplies and tasks have been adapted to the COVID-19 conditions.
Without participating and writing the relevant report of the field trips, the final given mark for the course can be only based on 75 % of the total points.
Teaching and learning methods:
Course contents on the topic of organic horticulture (vegetables and ornamentals) will be taught through the literature review, lectures, and excursions.

According to the COVID-19 conditions, the course has been adapted to be provided via ZOOM-online and the invitation links of each session will be sent by the lecturers in advance.
Regarding the excursion(s), the needed information will be given at the first session (obligatory attendance for the course participants) and the relevant tasks cover 25% of the final mark.
Exam method:
Continuous assessment, written/oral exam

Grading key
1 (Excellent) 100–90%
2 (Good) 89–80%
3 (Satisfactory) 79–64%
4 (Sufficient) 63–51%
5 (Not enough) 50–0%

Without participating and writing the relevant report of the field trips, the final given mark for the course can be only based on 75 % of the total points.

Organisation: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

ERASMUS+ code:
Teaching period summer semester:
22. Feb 2021 - 30. Sep 2021
Teaching period winter semester:
13. Oct 2020 - 21. Feb 2021