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English title:
Basics of plant, stress and storage physiology in horticulture
Course ID:
ECTS credits:
Title in native language:
Basics of plant, stress and storage physiology in horticulture (in Eng)
Term Semester:
Instruction language(s):
Course content:
Basic aspects of plant, stress and storage physiology in horticulture are presented to the students. A general knowledge about the physiology, growth and yield formation of horticultural crops under optimal but also extreme environmental conditions is mediated and the relationships between environmental stress and metabolic changes in plants are explained. In particular, the effects of various abiotic stress factors of practical relevance for horticulture (including light, drought, cold, chilling, mechanical stress, waterlogging, osmotic stress/salinity, malnutrition, elevated CO2 concentration in the ambient air) are addressed. Another focus is to demonstrate the effects of stress on cell integrity, since this is essential for a functioning metabolism, yield formation and quality maintenance. In addition, the effects of environmental factors on pigment formation and basic phenomena such as allelopathy are physiologically explained.
Expected previous knowledge:
Basics of plant physiology
Learning outcomes:
The aim of the course is to provide students with a basic understanding of the physiological processes and metabolic relationships, so that they are able to develop their competences to understand the effect of approved practical measures in horticulture and post-harvest and to develop autonomously innovative strategies for the solution in accordance with the location.
Teaching and learning methods:
Media supported lectures, discussion and demonstrations, 15 h of presence time in the lectures, 9 h of seminar meetings, 6 h presentations, 60 h of preparation and follow-up activities incl. literature research and preparation for examination
Exam method:
Participation in all teaching units, presentation, handout and a constitution of the report (written)

Marks for the course – three partial tests
Presentation 40%
Report 40%
Active participation during the course 20%

Organisation: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna

ERASMUS+ code:
Teaching period summer semester:
22. Feb 2021 - 30. Sep 2021
Teaching period winter semester:
13. Oct 2020 - 21. Feb 2021