Short term Internship
Students can complete their spring semester in "Plant sciences track" (or other track proposed by MSA) by a two-month internship conducted within research groups collaborating with MSA. They will be hosted by research institutions like INRA, CIRAD, IRD, CNRS, private companies... conducting research activities in Applied Plant Sciences.
The training project will be validated and by a teacher from MSA, who will mentor the internship as academic tutor.
Following the internship, students will write a work report to be evaluated by the academic tutor.
Through experiential learning students will integrate theory and practice, assess interrest and abilities in Applied Plant Sciences, develop work habits and professional skills, build a professional network and build a record of work experience.
Lab practice
Field practice
Final grade will consist in the evaluaiton of the work report by the tutor, taking into account an evaluation sheet writen by the laboratory supervisor.
Start date: 25-04-2022
End date: 19-09-2022