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English title:
Towards sustainable agriculture
Course ID:
ECTS credits:
Title in native language:
Vers des agricultures durables
Term Semester:
Instruction language(s):
Course content:

The academic semester is divided into 5 teaching units (TU), with a progressive specialization (3 as a core teaching, and 2 elective ones).
- TU1: Agriculture, economy and environment
- TU2: From biophysical processes to agricultural practices (crop development, population management and fertilisation, plant breeding and protection)
- TU3: forages and herbivors feeding
-TU4: Integrated approach: cropping and husbandry practices (or) plant integrated approach: phenotypes at multiscale levels
-TU5: deepening understanding: in-situ diagnostic of agrosystems (or) future animal husbandry (or) biology

This teaching will strengthen and expand the knowledge acquired in the field of agricultural, plant and animal production. It will allow to analyze and discuss new agricultural practices with different scales of application (field, farm level). Students will be able to analyze, measure impacts, and propose relevant improvements towards sustainable production, contextualize and integrate: from the infra scales (gene, cell, organism-plant, animal) to the supra scales (farm, region, world). Students will be able to deepen at choice 3 specific fields of intervention: Integrative biology, representation and prediction of the living - Plant Production - Animal Production
Keywords: plant biology, genetics and evolution, soil and water science, agronomy, agricultural economy, livestock farming

Expected previous knowledge:
Basis in biology, agronomy and statisitics. A quizz is available at the begining of the semester in order to check the requirement
Learning outcomes:

Mobilize scientific and technological knowledge specific to a large thematic area corresponding to a professional field in agricultural production. Be able to mobilize knowledge within the framework of a project approach to respond to their first professional assignment

Teaching and learning methods:

Cooperative learning
Lab practice
Field practice
Problem solving

Exam method:

Each teaching unit is divided into sub-units (courses), evaluated individually through a continuous review and final examination. Final grade takes into account ECTS allocation for each course and an average of 10 for each teaching unit is required to get ECTS credits. Re-take examination will be organized in case of examination failure.

Scheduled dates:

Start date: 07-09-2020
End date: 22-01-2021

Organisation: Institut Agro - Montpellier SupAgro

ERASMUS+ code:
Teaching period summer semester:
24. Jan 2022 - 19. Aug 2022
Teaching period winter semester:
01. Sep 2021 - 23. Jan 2022