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English title:
Biodiversity and genetic resources
Course ID:
ECTS credits:
Title in native language:
BiodiversitÈ et ressources gÈnÈtiques
Term Semester:
Instruction language(s):
Course content:
Overview of the challenges in biodiversity and genetic ressources, at a national and international level, methods and tools for in-situ and ex-situ management of these resources. Characterisation and valorisation of genetic diversity: In depth study on creating new varieties (searching for new genes in the pool of genetic ressources, registration and protection of new varieties, inputs of biotechnologies), on uses of molecular markers, on genomic challenges, applications to focused species (apple trees, carrots, banana trees ...).
Expected previous knowledge:
Basics in formal genetics, population genetics, plant breeding, ecology, plant physiology, botany, genetic engineering and molecular biology
Learning outcomes:
Students will acquire knoweldge on challenges, concepts and methodologies related to the management and conservation of plant genetic resources and biodiversity; should be able to dialogue and work with researchers and managers towards new cohesive schemes in line with national policies and international legislations (seed and seedling control, international plant material exchanges); to apply expertise from genetic resources management and breeding to horticultural sectors; to keep track developments in these sectors (progresses in research through sceintific litterature , legislation...).

Teaching and learning methods:
Cooperative learning - Project
Exam method:
Individual written evaluation analysing scientific articles (3h)
Case study: Oral presentation and report in pairs.
Analysis of scientific articles (3hrs) _Presentation of a case study in pairs (3h)
Scheduled dates:
Weeks 38-39

Organisation: Institut Agro - AgroCampus Ouest

ERASMUS+ code:
Teaching period summer semester:
24. Jan 2022 - 19. Aug 2022
Teaching period winter semester:
01. Sep 2021 - 23. Jan 2022